Time: 16:00 – 19:00 (3 shifts)
Location: Academy Building (Broerstraat 5)
At the Kick-Off you will meet your Introduction Group alongside your Introduction Guides for the first time! The 37th President of ESN Groningen will give a speech to Kick Off the ESN Week!
DISCLAIMER: You cannot park your bike at the academy building, please park your bike at the underground parking spaces near the Grote Markt. Moreover, it is not allowed to bring any big bags or alcoholic beverages to the Kick-Off.
The Kick-Off happen in rounds, please come at the designated times of your group:
You will receive more information about your group number on Wednesday (28-08) Night
Time: 19:00 – 22:00
Location: Your Introduction Guide’s place
Your group will have dinner and get out at one of your Introduction Guide’s places. Get to know each other before heading to PALACE in the city centre for the Opening Party!
Time: 22:00 – 03:00
Location: Suikerfabriek (Suikerlaan 10)
The Opening Party will take place at Suikerfabriek – the legendary former Sugerfactory turned into a party venue! Dance the night away alongside 2000 new students! ESN Groningen’s President will give a special welcome speech so make sure you are there on time!