A part of growing up is realising that the world around you begins to slowly and methodically constrict and move into your personal life. The news no longer seems as far and distant as it once was and keeping track of events starts to give you an advantage if you stay up-to-date. In our current globally chaotic world of ever-changing circumstances, there’s no point not to check in occasionally, just to make sure you don’t miss anything important.
But when you’re an international like me, your local on-goings might be difficult to catch, especially when Dutch isn’t your first language. I investigated this issue and found that some news sites have gone out of their way to keep us well informed. Let’s start by bringing five of them out in the spotlight:
The Northern Times knows that internationals are growing each year. With more than 50’000 of us already residing in Groningen and subsequent districts of Drenthe and Friesland, their efforts to accommodate have created a fully international news service for everything you might need.
Daily stories of news for internationals come without fail, and it’s not rare that you may even find familiar faces in their tabloids. The word ‘Student’ is embedded in this news service, so it almost feels like we’re being pandered to. Their target reader is you, and most news articles are made to be experienced through the point of view of an Expat.
From news about economics and business developments, culture, lifestyle and even opportunities flourishing in Groningen, The Northern Times have made its mark in becoming the most easily-accessible news outlet during its conception only 1 year ago.
Another local brand, Groningen Life is a dense collection of everything involving Groningen and its people. Practicalities, study matters, events, blogs, and culture are only a handful of top picks I’ve come to be invested in – Groningen Life really does feel like it has all its aspects covered.
The website is a bright orange miasma of student-oriented info. It feels like you’ve met a bunch of senior internationals who are way too excited to share experiences and offer their favourite venues to check out. I advise looking out for some eye-catching titles and seeing it for yourself. The energy this website packs is on its own level.
I AM EXPAT was the first website I really sought out to find help. As far as news services go, this is by far the most helpful guide when it comes to figuring out the intricacies of being a new international, having had no idea how to live abroad on your own. I’ve had it bookmarked ever since I came here. The title speaks for itself: issues with housing, education, health – I won’t even list it all out – it’s got all the information you might need when settling in your life as an international.
The website looks new, colourful and very easy to navigate. The drop-down window helps in all aspects of a new life in the Netherlands but also features articles and topical news that are directly linked to issues you might actually be involved in.
Time to go more national with our picks. The best part about this handy English website is that all articles are displayed evenly and categorically. There’s no room for distractions, and if digesting as much news as possible is really your forte, the NL times has got you covered.
While this website won’t leave you much to consider as a student, the sheer number of stories regarding politics, business, crime, and lifestyle will keep you fully informed with the whole of the topics that the Netherlands has to offer. At least 3 articles appear every work-day and follow the objective press coverage that really helps you make your own critical opinions.
Dutch News features a more diverse Netherlands experience. It still covers international aspects in the country but adds a more fully developed Netherlands’ oriented view of the world around it, and the economic and political aspects it’s involved in.
With blogs ascribing the life of Internationals with wholly different backgrounds, and independent columnists with their own opinions, Dutch News seeks to fill as many aspects of the country as it possibly can. Finding your own interests is like jumping into a rabbit hole. I began digging through profiles and articles, topical hot-button issues and even things I disagreed with completely. It felt like I was jumping into the real world with all its quirks and conditions.
For the sake of creating news that is made for all people, Dutch News is a place where you can really get lost in but learn something in the process. From Tech & Media, Blogs, Special features, Housing, and Job advice – there’s a lot to pull you in.
When it comes to news, don’t let the extent of it keep you away. Every day comes with something new and insightful.
Written by Jānis Lazda – PR & Graphics committee