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The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is the finance committee of ESN Groningen and is in charge of keeping the books and financial tracks of the organisation. In addition, they support and check the Executive Board Treasurer & External Relations Coordinator. The Audit Committee consists of a representative from the University of Groningen, a representative from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, two former Executive Board treasurers of ESN and at least one external person.

Members of the Audit Committee 2023-2024:

  1. Ewan Brett (Treasurer ESN Groningen 2023-2024)
  2. Ruan ten Brink (External Relations ESN Groningen 2023-2024)
  3. Szonja Szabó (External Relations ESN Groningen 2022-2023)
  4. Bibianne Joosten (External Relations ESN Groningen 2021-2022)
  5. Jelle Haisma (Treasurer ESN Groningen 2021-2022)
  6. Lennart Stokman (Treasurer ESN Groningen 2020-2021)
  7. Elkjar Dost (General Board ESN Groningen 2023-2024)
  8. Robin Buisink (Treasurer ACLO 2022-2023)
  9. Dennis Lenferink (Treasurer Stichting KEI 2022-2023)
  10. Maurice Cox (Lecturer Accounting, Finance & Tax at Hanze University of Applied Science)
  11. Leo Wenneger (Head of Financial Administration University of Groningen)